You will find Prestwick in Didsbury, Alberta, a pretty little town, nestled in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Ed and I married in 1973, raised a family of two and now have our Papillons as the main focus of all our energies!!! It all started in 2002 when we brought home our first purebred dog, an adorable Papillon puppy called Tucker. To that date we had not been involved in the purebred dog world... but... that was all to change in a BIG way... Tucker was your typical Papillon puppy, stealing our hearts and the hearts
of all he met..mischievous, funny, smart, and forever making us laugh.
We thank the Ronald's of Marron Kennels for sharing this little bundle with us. Tucker grew into a promising show dog by 6 months, and, you guessed it, I entered the show ring with him. Here we were, two rookies, playing the game and low and behold Tucker won a ribbon (a pink one) but what did I know, he was my boy and my winner... and I was hooked. I was so proud of him... |

Things have progressed since that day... Tucker went on to get his Championship and now lives with an awesome couple in Montana, where he rules. I have had the honour and privilege of showing many
beautiful Papillons to their Championships and beyond in the Specials
ring. It has been an awesome experience and one for which I owe so
many people for their support and guidance through the years. Without
their help I would not have known the pleasure of owning, breeding,
showing and sharing this beautiful breed.
I registered Prestwick Kennels with the Canadian Kennel Club in
2005 and Ed has been a great support both at home and with showing the puppies. It's awesome
to watch him with the kids in the ring, and we have our challenges when
showing against one another (all in the family though !!!) I am a member
in good standing with many Breed Clubs ...Papillon Canada...Papillon Club
of America... the Southern Alberta Toy Dog Fanciers Club, the Calgary Association of Dog Fanciers.

I have had the honour to work very closely with the Marron and Arkeno kennel in the past and feel very fortunate to have strong Canadian lines in our program. That, blended with superb English blood lines of Sunshoo/Gleniren, form the foundation of Prestwick.
My goal is to breed quality Papillons that win accolades in the conformation rings, Papillons that excel in the performance rings and Papillons that win the hearts of all as loving companions.
I hope this gives you an insight into my world... the wonderful world of
breeding, raising, showing and sharing my beautiful dogs. On the following
pages you will gain more insight into the vision and passion of Prestwick Papillons.